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The Sanskrit word “Uttan” means “to lie n the back” and “Pada” means “foot”.In this Asan after lying on the back both legs are lifted up straight and stretched forward.So it is called Uttanpadasan.
Lie flat on your back as shown in the above image and breathe normally.
Place your hand on either side and palms should be facing down.
Inhale slowly and lift the legs at 45 – 60 degree from the ground.
Hold this posture for some time (15-20 sec) to feel pressure in lower abs.
While exhaling (Breath out ) relaxes your posture by lowering legs i.e. (Starting position)
Repeat this for 3-4 times daily.
Cures stomach disorders like acidity, indigestion and constipation
Strengthens the abdominal organs.
Strengthens the back and hip and thigh muscles.
Helpful for those suffering from gas problems, acidity, arthritis pain, heart problems and waist pain.
Cures back pain.
Helps to reduce tone the stomach muscles.
Helpful for loosing weight.
Good for diabetes patients.
Improve the function of digestive systems.
Remove gases from the intestine.
Good for increasing blood circulation around the body.
Help to reduce weight in the abdomen area, thighs and hips.
Excellent for 6 packs abs.
Improve the function of reproductive organs.
Pregnant women should avoid Uttanpadasana for first few months. Should consult a doctor before practicing this asana in the third trimester. Can take the support of wall while practicing.
Those suffering from high blood pressure, slip disc, ulcer, or abdominal surgery should not do this asana.
Should not practice in days of periods. But if you are comfortable doing this then there is no problem. Keep on doing it.
Practice Uttanpadasana (The Raised-leg Pose) should be practice under expert guidance.
Should consult a doctor before practicing any exercises. |