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The Sanskrit word “Chakra” means a wheel.During this Asan the shape of the body resembles the shapes of wheel.Therefore,this Asan is called Chakrasan.
Steps :
arwBegin by lying down on your back with feet apart.
arwNow bend the knees and place your feet flat on the ground closer to your buttocks.
arwBring your palms under your shoulders such that the fingers point towards the shoulders and the elbows are shoulder width apart.
arwNow inhale and press your palms firmly into the floor.
arwLift your shoulders and head off the floor by straightening your arms.
arwThe feet should be pressed firmly into the floor. Inhale and lift your hips up. The spine should be rolled up so that it may seem to resemble a semi arwcircular arch or wheel.
arwStraighten out your arms and legs as much as possible so that the hips and chest maybe pushed up.
arwHold this pose for at least 15-30 seconds. To go back to original, bend your elbows to lower your head and shoulders to the floor. Then bend your knees and bring your spine and hips back to the ground.
arwRemember to relax a lot after doing this chakrasana yoga pose.
Benefits :
arwThe yoga chakrasana pose stretches the lungs and the chests.
arwBody parts like arms, legs, wrists, abdomen, spine, etc are strengthened.
arwGlands like pituitary gland and thyroid gland are stimulated by doing this asana.
arwThe asana boosts energy and alleviate depression.
arwPeople with osteoporosis, asthma, and back pain can benefit from this asana.
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Wednesday 25 June, 2014
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