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The Sanskrit word “Bhujang” means “snake”.In this Asan, the body takes on the shape of a snake with its hood spread-out .So the name of this Asan is Bhujangasan.This is also called Sarpasan and Nagasan.

Steps :
Lie down on the stomach by keeping your legs together. Make a gap of 1-2 feet between the legs if somebody has backache.
Put your palms besides your shoulder and the head should rest on the ground.
With inhaling raise your head up to your navel region and try to see the roof.
Maintain the position till 10 to 60 seconds with steadily inhaling and exhaling.
Come to the original position slowly with deep exhalation.
Repeat the process for 3 to 5 times.

Benefits :
Relieves backache: This is the most effective asana to increase the flexibility thereby reduces the stiffness from the lower spine region. Bhujangasana helps to loosens up the spine, removes impure blood from the back region and tones up the nerve. In nut shell, it facilitates the effective coordination between the brain and rest parts of the body thus ensure better health.
arwGood for kidney: Cobra pose helps to compress the kidney thus removes the stagnated blood thereby helps in improving the efficiency of the kidneys.
arwStress buster: The cobra pose gives a good massage to the adrenal gland, which produces adrenaline hormone. This hormone is good to ease stress and reduces tension of the body.
arwAlleviates rheumatism: Cortisone is a hormone that is secreted by adrenal gland. This hormone is considered as a leading factor for rheumatism. The cobra pose regulates the secretion of this hormone thus helpful in alleviating of rhemumatism.
arwGood for Digestion: Bhujangasana is a good yoga exercise which gives a proper massage to the organs of abdominal region such as stomach, pancreas, liver and gallbladder. It is helpful in treating of many digestion relation conditions such as constipation, indigestion, etc. It removes flatulence after meal.
arwGynecological disorders: This asana is good in treating of many gynecological disorders by toning the ovary and uterus. The cobra pose affects leucorrhea, dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea.
arwSlipped disc: If it is being performed under as supervision of yoga therapist, it is beneficial against slipped disc or sciatica.
arwRemedy for thyroid gland: Bhujangasana regulates thyroid gland thus helps to maintain good health.
arwImproves lung capacity: The cobra pose helps to expand the chest thus beneficial for breathing related problems.
arwActivates Kundalini: Bhujangasana helps to stimulate the bio-energy potential or kundalini by direct influence upon various plexuses, nerves and nerves cells.

Cobra pose (Bhujangasana) precautions :
The cobra pose has some limitation and contradictions. These precautions have to be taken care of. The person who is suffering from peptic ulcers, hernia, intestinal tuberculosis, and hypothyroidism shouldn’t practice this asana. If you have other serious problems, it is better to consult a Yoga therapist or expert before performing bhujnagasana. One having abdominal injuries should also avoid doing this. The patients of sciatica, slip-disc and ulcerative colitis should take extra precautions. It also shouldn’t be performed during pregnancy.
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Wednesday 25 June, 2014
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